EQ is the ability to be aware of, control and express one’s own emotions, as well as those in others, to notice, navigate and handle interpersonal relationships and use that information to get results. Unlike IQ, EQ can be learned and developed over time.

Mindfulness is simply paying attention to what is happening in the present moment without judgement. We build our mindfulness muscle by noticing when we have become distracted. We then bring our attention back to what we are focusing on, with an attitude of kindness and curiosity.

Mindfulness is the bridge between leadership and well-being. People who practice mindfulness report increased focused attention, creative problem solving, and greater self-awareness which is critical for leadership. A regular mindfulness practice also supports greater resiliency which is ability to bounce back from adversity. There is also a link to mindfulness with stress reduction, decreased blood pressure and lessened feelings of anxiety.

No. While many religions have contemplative practices, mindfulness can be secular and science-based. Because of the advances in brain studies, it is possible to demonstrate through replicated scientific results how what we think, do and pay attention to can change the structure and function of the brain.

Like it or not, emotions show up at work. Even when we are trying to suppress them. When working with teams, we use the language of organizations, simple, practices that offer context, as well as science to support how emotions impact leadership, effectiveness and well-being. When we are aware of how we manage our emotions, we get more skillful in navigating them. That awareness translates into more effective teams.

  • Building individual self-awareness that contributes to the overall health and effectiveness of the Firm.
  • Helping team members open to an expanded way of thinking by exploring habits, judgments, thoughts, and behaviors.
  • Providing the steps to build an achievable, practical self-care plan through evidence-based practices for each attendee.
  • Learning to reframe a situation to yield a more positive outcome for all involved
  • Providing a leadership model for resiliency through evidence-based practices that contributes to a growth mindset

Any individual who is ready to commit to improving how they show up at work or in relationship. They can be in a formal leadership role or in a position to influence their community or household. There are no age limits or any previous learning required.

While my clients run the gamut of professions, I am a business coach who works primarily with managers and entrepreneurs to help them treat themselves as they would their best client.  Through easy-to-learn exercises in a safe and trusting manner, I offer new ways to handle set-backs at work and at home with skill, compassion, and effectiveness.